Doc. dr. sc. Marina Protrka Štimec


She is Assistant Professor of Croatian Modern and Contemporary Literature at the Department of Croatian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Her research interests include canon formation, theories of authorship, culture, memory and identity, history and theory of Croatian national and children’s literature, modernism, discourse and postcolonial theory. She is the author of scientific monography Inventing the Literary Nation. Canon Formation in 19th Century Croatian Literary Periodicals (Stvaranje književne nacije. Oblikovanje kanona u hrvatskoj književnoj periodici 19. st., 2008.); she also prepared critical edition of Ivana Brlić Mažuranić’s Articles (2013) i and co-edited scientific conference proceedings The Great Healer – A Century of Grigor Vitez (2013, with D. Zalar i D. Zima). She was a team member of the project Croatian periodical bibliography (1998-2008) and a colaborator of the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography on projects: Lexicon of Croatian Writers (2000); Croatian Literary Lexicon: Works (2002); Croatian Literary Encyclopaedia (2010-2012); Antun Gustav Matoš’Lexicon, (2015). She teaches  courses: Modern and Contemporary Croatian Literature: Readings; Croatian Children Literature; Croatian 19th Century Literature in Undergraduate program in Croatian language and literature. In Graduate program in Croatian language and literature Protrka Štimec teaches courses: Orientalism and Occidentalism in Croatian Literature, Croatian Travel Literature, Author and Authorship in Croatian Literature, and in the Program of doctoral studies in Croatian literature she teaches course Literature and Canon formation.


Within the project, she will examine the cultural transfers from West-European literatures into Croatian literature of the 19th century, based on the examples of distinguished Croatian literates. She will analyze and culturally and politically contextualize the influences of various modern ideas of European provenance, which marked the literary work and public (political) activities of the greatest Croatian writers of the time: Ivan Mažuranić, Ante Kovačić, Silvije Strahimir Kranjčević and Antun Gustav Matoš.


Selected bibliography, relevant for the project:

  1. Protrka, Marina, Stvaranje književne nacije. Oblikovanje kanona u hrvatskoj književnoj periodici 19. stoljeća. Zagreb: FF Press, 2008.
  2. Protrka Štimec, Marina, „Očetje književnosti in otroci časa. Spominske slovesnoti v produkciji začetkov hrvaške nacionalne književnosti“, Studia litteraria 22 (2016), 153-169.

3. Protrka Štimec, Marina, „Pleasure and Pain. Corporeality in Ivan Mažuranić’s Samail-aga Čengić’s Death“. Myth and Its Discontents. Memory and Trauma in Central and Eastern European Literature / Mythos und Ernüchterung. Zu Trauma und (fraglicher) Erinnerung in Literaturen des zentralen und östlichen Europa, Lugarić, Danijela – Car, Milka – Tamás Molnár, Gábor (ur.), Wien: Praesens Verlag, 2017., 91-105.