Branko Ostajmer, PhD

He was born in 1978 in Djakovo where he attended primary school and grammar school. In 2004, he graduated History from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. At the Centre for Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb, he defended his PhD thesis The National Party in Slavonia and Srijem 1883-1903  (2011). Since 1 April 2006, he has been employed at the Croatian Institute of History. In 2012, he was elected to the rank of research fellow. During his work at the Institute he participated on the Institute’s research project “Slavonia, Srijem and Baranja 1860-1945: politics, society, culture”. Since 2009, he has been a contributor to the edition The Croatian Bibliographical Lexicon by The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography in Zagreb and a contributor of the international project “Education of Church Elite in Central Europe. St. Augustine College for Diocesan Priests (“Frintaneum”) in Vienna as a Post-Graduate and Networking Institution of the Monarchy 1816-1918” run by the Institute of Church History at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Vienna. From September to December 2009, he was granted scholarship (Balassi Intézet Budapest) at the Faculty for Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Pécs, Hungary. From December 2014 to Ferbrary 2015, he was granted scholarship of Balassi Intézet Budapest at the Institute of History, Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. His research interest is focused on intellectual, political, social and cultural history of 19th century with the emphasis on the area of the Kingdoms of Croatia and Slavonia.

Within the project, he will examine the development of parliamentarism and parliamentary culture in Croatia in the last phase of the existence of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. On the case-study of Croatian representatives’ activities in the common Hungarian-Croatian parliament in Budapest, he will compare the development of parliamentary culture in Croatia and Hungary to other contemporary European countries. Furthermore, he will examine the question of political equality of Jews in Croatia, i. e. participation of Jews in Croatian political life and the appearance of various forms of anti-Semitism in Croatia in the second half of the 19th century, within a wider European context.

Selected bibliography:

  1. Ostajmer, Branko, „Horvát képviselők a budapesti közös országgyűlésben (1868–1918) / Hrvatski zastupnici u Zajedničkom saboru u Budimpešti (1868. – 1918.)“, u: A horvát–magyar együtt élés fordulópontjai. Intézmények, társadalom, gazdaság, kultúra / Prekretnice u suživotu Hrvata i Mađara. Ustanove, društvo, gospodarstvo i kultura. Fodor Pál, Sokcsevits Dénes, Turkalj Jasna, Karbić Damir (ed.), Budapest: MTA Bölcsészett udományi Kutatóközpont; Történett udományi Intézet; Horvát Történett udományi Intézet, 2015., 436-443, 471-478.
  2. Horbec, Ivana – Ostajmer Branko, “Institut sv. Augustina (Frintaneum) u Beču i pitomci iz Bosanske ili Đakovačke i Srijemske biskupije”. Croatica Christiana periodica, vol. 38 (2014) no. 75, 85.-111.
  3. Ostajmer, Branko, “Opća zemaljska izložba u Budimpešti 1885. i njezin odjek u najvažnijim novinama banske Hrvatske”. X. međunarodni kroatistički znanstveni skup, ed. Stjepan Blažetin, Pečuh 2012., 349.-380.